Ahh the experience…

On the Oaxacan Pacific coast, being in a coastal town on a daily basis can be very taxing on your systems…your physical system, your electronic systems and your life’s perception system. I am so glad I have my qigong practice that helps keep me balanced and in systems’ order.

The physical system is taxed with the high heat temperatures and the high humidity. Should you go out walking at mid-day on a bright sunny day, I suggest you take water and have good skin protection. Physically you can dehydrate easily and your skin can burn lobster red. Not to mention the eye protection suggested. The sun is brutal and can wreak heat rash, heat stroke, heat related issues, white flashes in the eyes, and more.

The electronic systems are taxed with the humidity and they are also affected by the salt in the air. Electronic items like televisions, CD/DVD players, video games and other electronic equipment do not endure a very long time here. There’s rust, there’s salty dust, there’s extreme heat, there’s moisture and there’s critters. There are the ants, the spiders, the scorpions and the critters that can get into small spaces and into parts you would not even believe.

Your life’s perception system is taxed from the physical system being exposed to high heat and humidity, while at the same time the effects on your emotional and mental well being can be impacted. If you feel great with sunburned skin, with sweating all the time and with looking for shade every time you go outdoors, then by all means this place is for you and your perception will be that this is awesome. But if you do not feel good with those things mentioned then you will perceive it to be uncomfortable. Being in this environment is fun at first, or if you are on vacation. On an everyday basis there grows the discomfort of being drained by the heat.

Qigong is my answer to all of the taxing situations that present themselves in life. It is in changing my response that changes my attitude toward these taxing issues. I can choose to make sure my physical system is maintained by drinking plenty of water and choosing to go outdoors in the early morning or the evening. I can choose to accept the fact that my electronic equipment will not have a long life span, so I take care of the equipment as much as possible. I can choose to have my life’s perception be one of enjoying the blue sky, noticing the greeness of the grass and plants, and loving when the breeze comes up dancing with the leaves.

I am the sojourner on a soul journey


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