The Blog Leap

OK, so I have had this idea about writing, blogging and connecting with the world somehow.

I have computer skills, but I am by no means tech savvy. I have been writing all of my life, but I have not published very much. I have written personal diaries and journals, but except for a handful of articles I do not have publishing experience. So bearing in mind all the things aforementioned that I am not, I have not and I do not, WHY? (you ask) would I even bother to take the leap of blog writing?

Well, because ideas need action. My idea of blogging needed action on my part even though I do not really know what I am doing. With great apprehension I have just taken the jump to actually start a blog – the blog leap.

I started off to do a little investigation into blogging platforms, which turned into what seemed like major research. I did run into one site that provided a lot of information. Here is a link:

Making the decision on which platform to use for my purposes was a matter of cost & simplicity. Svbtle became my choice. I just registered and here I am writing my first piece, hoping the writer in me writes well & that my writing manifests into a very lucrative engaging soul journey.


Now read this

“” - The New Social Media

Have you heard about the new alternative social media site called If you haven’t then listen up social media fans! has to be the most innovative alternative social media site to come into the scene (no pun intended :-).... Continue →